Terms and Conditions

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By continuing you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the following terms and conditions.

1.       General


By selecting a product or service, capturing your detail and proceeding to submit your request you are indicating that you’d like Life Current to support you with your request.

Submitting your request is not a contract and upon receiving your application Life Current reserves the right to refrain from supporting you with your request or whether to assist you with the service required either through its own company and representatives or by way of referral to one of its preferred referral partner companies.

The company which you are partnered with and its representatives (i.e. either Life Current and or a preferred referral partner) will be responsible for delivering on the product or service you’ve requested support with.

You at all times have the option not to work with Life Current or its preferred referral partners but acknowledge that if you do, you will hold only the company actually delivering on your services responsible for the work delivered. For the avoidance of doubt, should Life Current have referred your product or service request onto a third party you will not hold Life Current liable in any way for the delivery or quality of that service.

You agree that it is your responsibility to ensure that any advice provided to you is appropriate taking into account your financial situation or circumstance, objectives and stated needs.

2.       Scope

Before capturing your information and submitting your request you would have selected a particular product or service.

The product or service clearly defined the scope of the product or service and the level of support you should expect to receive. You acknowledge that Life Current or one of its preferred referral partner companies will deliver on the scope of this product or service and ONLY this product or service.

You confirm that any service outside of the requested product or service is not required at this time and that if there is any doubt about what the scope of service includes that you will or have sent written proof requesting clarity to the representative supporting you.

You also acknowledge that Life Current or one of its preferred referral partner companies cannot be expected to have context to information or circumstances not provided. Should there be any information you know or expect would have an implication on the product or service you’ve requested then you have an obligation to disclose this to the representative supporting you.

3.       POPI

Sound and proper financial advice can only be provided with disclosure of relevant financial, personal and other entity information.

By submitting a request to Life Current you agree that your information may be used at various stages through the financial service or advice-giving process and on an on-going basis by Life Current or a preferred referral partner/s for subsequent relationship management including but not limited to:

  • The initial assessment phase i.e. for the purposes of determining understanding financial situation, product experience and objectives.
  • The analysis phase i.e. for the purposes of conducting analysis to inform any recommendations made by a representative or partner representative.
  • The Implementation phase i.e. for the purposes of acquiring, referring, servicing or maintaining any financial products, such as an interest in a long-term insurance, unit trust or any other financial products or services, with any long-term insurer, unit trust manager or other financial institution.
  • FICA information i.e. for the purposes of providing any representative or partner representative with comfort of the validity and credibility of your financial business concerns.
  • The Review phase i.e. for the purposes of reviewing and updating any needs and subsequent financial services required.
  • Added 6 June 2022 – Verifying financial and credit information (i.e. ITC and Credit checks)

Your personal information will be kept confidential and not passed on to any party which does not have an explicit requirement to use it to provide you with the concerned financial service.

4.       Liability

Life Current as an authorised FSP is able to offer financial services for which it has the relevant license for and for which its representatives have appropriate knowledge, education and experience. Should Life Current not be in a position to provide a financial service directly it works with preferred referral partners (third parties) in order to assist you with your financial request.

By submitting a request to Life Current you agree that Life Current cannot be held liable for the advice or service provided by an external company (i.e. preferred referral partner or third party) which Life current referred you to.

You furthermore agree that any complaints you might have and relating to a product or service you’re not happy with will be directed ONLY at the party responsible for providing it.

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